Andre Nussenzweig
Genome Organization Drives Chromosome Fragility
Joaquín Dopazo
Pathway activity models as precision diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers linked to cell function that uncover disease mechanisms
Kathrin Maedler
Save the β-cell! A bench-to-bed approach for diabetes
Dr. Pablo Huertas
How to fix a broken chromosome
Dr. Acaimo González Reyes
ECM remodelling in the stem cell niche: lessons form the Drosophila ovary
Dr. Lourdes Serrano
SirT7 as Safeguard of Genome Integrity
Dra. Purificación Muñoz
Understanding muscle stem cell regenerative decline with aging
Dra. Nuria López-Bigas
Tumor genomes shed light into somatic mutational processes and cancer vulnerabilities
Dr. Mathieu Gerard
Genome-wide nucleosome specificity and function of chromatin remodelers in embryonic stem cells
Dr. Angel Raya
Reprogramming somatic cell fate and identity: Biomedical applications
Dr. Jiri Lukas
Endogenous DNA damage: How cells deal with unavoidable
Dra. Gaelle Legube
Chromosome and chromatin dynamics during DNA Double Strand Break repair
Dr. Martí Aldea
Molecular competition and cell size control: a link to cell ageing?
Dr. Angel Nadal
Endocrine disruptors and insulin resistance: is hyperinsulinemia cause or consequence?
Dr. Pedro Herrera
Beta-cell reconstitution by islet cell-type interconversion