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Surv Ophthalmol Pharmacological agents for treatment of proliferative vitreoretinopathy: A systematic review and network meta-analysis.

David Pozo Perez
Cellular and Molecular Neuroimmunology
Not so long ago, immune responses in neurodegeneration were regarded as rare birds in the field of clinical neurology. Today, they are increasingly moving toward centre stage. The rationale behind includes the recognition that most of the relevant immune molecules are produced within the brain, that microglia among other immune-competent cells are proficient tools shaping neuronal circuitry and fate, and that systemic immune responses affect brain function in health and disease. Our group is interested in how the immune system inside the central nervous system is finely regulated at molecular and cellular levels. We are focused on the role of neuro-immune interactions in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
- 04 April 2025
Geneviève Almouzni – Shaping chromatin and cell fate, a choreography involving histones and partners - 25 April 2025
Kristine Freude – The increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease in women is influenced by the interplay of genetic risk factors, sex, and age